When purchasing an globe, there are a few things
to consider to ensure you're getting what you'd like.
- Floor or Desk model- Consider if you're
interested in a globe as an accent to a room, or as a piece of furniture.
Some floor model globes can be as high as 4', and as wide as 2'. Please consider,
in the case of a floor model, its intended location and be sure it will fit
that location as you'd like.
- Ocean Color- Choose from blue, antique (beige),
black, or navy blue oceans. This option is specific to each globe.
- Political or physical globe- A few of our
globes use a physical map. In this case, although political outlines are included,
the focus of the globe is on the earth's natural forms. Political globes focus
on governmental divisions, designating countries with pronounced outlines
and contrasting colors.
- Illumination- Illumination can be
a wonderful feature in a globe. A subdued light source, illuminated globes
add a glow to their surroundings, and show off the range of colors in the
globe's cartography. Illumination can make reading a globe's text and outlines
easier, and is always a favorite with kids.
- Rotation- Certain globes rotate on
a vertical and horizontal axis, some just on a horizontal. The advantage of
a dual rotation is that the southern hemisphere can be rotated from its standard
position at the bottom of the globe to the top, for easier reading.
- Globes for Kids- We generally recommend
brightly colored globes with blue oceans for children. Other features they
appreciate are illumination and dual rotation. We also carry inflatable globes.